Sunday, December 28, 2008

We had a great holiday season. Daniel’s nieces and hubbies came to visit. Kelly, Logan Rachel and Houston filled our home with laughter and endless fun for the boys. Both girls and spouses spent the night Christmas Eve. We acted out the Nativity. ~Silent Night, Holy night, all is…..well, I wouldn’t say it was CALM, yet all was BRIGHT!~ Our shepherds expired quickly. Then we headed to go see the Spanish Fork City Christmas “Drive of Lights”, always fun. While we waited in a rather long line of cars, we called family in FL to sing our gorgeous renditions of Christmas tunes. A couple of cups of Hot Cocoa later…..The guys all stayed up until the wee hours of the night helping "Santa" put together a basket ball hoop for Evan. Christmas Morning, we tried to let them get some much needed sleep….they got to sleep in until 7:20am. (Evan tried for earlier) We had wrapping paper and ribbons everywhere in a matter of minutes. Christmas day was filled with board games, movies, eating and more eating. The crock pot sweet and sour meatballs were the hit. Rachael and Houston decided to stay a couple of more nights. So we hung out, played more board games…some were more fun to play than others. We took a couple of sledding trips to the local golf course and ate some more! Rachael and I had some gift cards to burn so we hit the mall. To our surprise when we can home the children weren’t only still alive, yet Jake was all tucked into his nap, Evan was at a friend’s house, the house had been picked up and Houston had vaccumed! YIPPEEE! Unfortunately the mess appeared again all too quickly. Our season of togetherness ended with a lovely Fajita dinner by Rachael, assisted by the handsome Houston. Then they shooshed Daniel and I out the door to on a movie date. We had a great Holiday and we are grateful for the loving family that surrounds us.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Silent Night, Holy night, all is ...........well not so CALM, yet ALL was BRIGHT."

(Mary, Auntie Rahael & Joseph, Uncle Houston)

"This isn't as exciting as I
thought it would be?"

"Some gifts we brought for Baby Jesus!"

"Evan watching the Flocks by night."

"Are we done yet?"


"Here, Jake I'll help you get the hang of it!"

"Am I really AWAKE?"

"TOO..... MANY..... COOKIES!"
"Yes they managed to play on the computer, play football with the kids

and eat cookies all at the same time!"

"Roll it up like this little Jakey."

" It's always more fun to have family around......
Uncle Houston
and Auntie Rachael."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve '08
30 degrees & plenty of snow right on the driveway!

Macho, Macho Man!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jake found some stickers!!

Just thought it was such a cute shot!
Nothing out of the ordinary...."Just BROTHERS!"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Evan Came running home from school through the back yard with all his Turkey Day paraphernalia. Jake started squealing out the back window to Evan. He loves when Ev comes home. Lucky Boys!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yea, I thought I was going to get some mixing help? Which he did until he realised it was cookie dough.....Then all he wanted to do was eat the batter. Good thing I wasn't delivering any cookies to friends. He just kept digging his little fingers into the dough! Such cute helper!

I came out from down the hall, Jake had found some headphones and was tuned into Barney like never before. The band aid was from a hurt "finger"??? For some reason he wanted it on his head, go figure?
